Why should you have your trash bins cleaned regularly?
Think about the things you throw in a trash bin. Food scraps dirty diapers, doggie bags. All of these things are broken down by bacteria. Some of these bacteria can be very dangerous such as Salmonella, Listeria, and E-Coli. So reason one is to protect your family.
As waste breaks down it can often leave behind a nasty liquid slurry. This liquid can leak through even the smallest holes in a trash bag. Once it reaches the bottom of your bin it seeps into the pores of the bin. This is why your trash bin can smell long after the trash has been removed. A proper maintenance schedule will insure your bins stay fresh.
Many bugs are attracted to the odor left by decomposing food. In fact flies look for damp warm places with a food supply to lay eggs. Fly's lay these eggs in organic matter as well so this makes the bottom of your trash bin the perfect place to hatch out. What is worse than thousands of flies in and around your home. Baby Fly's or maggots crawling through your trash! Removing the organic matter and odor from your trash bin will prevent this.
Yes we all think trash pandas are cute at least till they have your garbage spread all across the neighborhood. They are not the only ones searching for a smelly meal. Rats, mice, stray cats, dogs, possums, and bears are all about a free driveway buffet. 
Ok maybe you don't have bears in your area but why risk it. Fresh bins leave no reason for these critters to explore.
So as you can see there are many benefits to having a clean can. But who wants to deal with such a dirty job.
I would suggest you contact The Can Man and find out just how easy it is to eliminate all these worries.
How you ask?
Well that part is super simple. Drop us a message here on our Facebook page.
You can also call or text us at (618) 570-7171
you can a even message us on whatsapp for more info.
Let us get your trash bins smelling scent-sational right away.

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